Saturday, October 13, 2007

Connecticut's Lean Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI)

Leanovations, LLC is a Registered Lean Service Provider for Connecticut’s Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI).

If you are a Connecticut company who has obtained $500,000 or more of defense or aerospace manufacturing contracts over the past two years, and are interested in implementing Lean Manufacturing, you may be eligible to participate in Connecticut’s Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI), and receive up to 50% reimbursement of the costs for Lean consultant services from Leanovations.

In keeping with the State of Connecticut’s Next Generation Competitiveness Strategy to help Connecticut suppliers achieve world-class productivity, the Connecticut Aerospace and Defense Initiative was created. The State of Connecticut, through the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), made available $2,000,000 to assist companies in the introduction or continuation of Lean manufacturing techniques within their organizations. Companies can receive up to 50% reimbursement for the costs for Lean training and services supplied by a Registered Service Provider such as Leanovations.

Connecticut Center for Manufacturing Supply Chain Integration (CMSCI) administers the Aerospace and Defense Initiative (ADI) and qualified Leanovations, a consultant company with extensive international experience, as a Lean Service Provider for Connecticut companies in the aerospace and defense industry.

Leanovations focuses on lean and innovations, assisting businesses in developing solutions to create profitable growth, through lean operational excellence and to re-invent themselves through new products or process innovations.

If you are interested in finding out more about ADI please contact Leanovations at, or visit our website at or call the office at (860) 479-0293.