Japan Has “Deming Prize”, While North America Has “Shingo Prize”
In Japan, the Deming Prize is a highly regarded industrial quality award named in honor of the American quality pioneer W. Edwards Deming. In the United States, we have the Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing, named for Dr. Shigeo Shingo, who helped Toyota develop its renowned production system and JIT controls. The Shingo Prize is open to North American companies and to researchers and students who further the knowledge of quality manufacturing techniques. Applying for one of these quality awards can spur an organization to achieve higher quality levels; even when an organization does not win, its managers can learn how to improve by measuring their performance against the rigorous award requirements.
The acclaimed Shingo Prize, established in 1988, awarded annually to companies that exhibit outstanding achievements in manufacturing practices, which translate into strong customer satisfaction and business results. Dubbed the “Nobel prize of Manufacturing” by Business Week in 2000, the Shingo Prize is the premiere manufacturing award in North America.
The Shingo Prize was established to promote the awareness of Lean manufacturing concepts, and is awarded to companies in the United States, Canada, and Mexico that achieve world-class manufacturing status. The Shingo Prize philosophy is that world-class business performance may be achieved through focused improvements in core manufacturing and business processes.
The College of Business, Utah State University administers The Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing. For more information about the Shingo Prize, go to www.shingoprize.org or www.leanovations.com.