Leanovations Utilizes “Process Sensei Consultant Style”
In the world of consultants, there are three basic styles: the Expert style, the Doctor-Patient style and the Process Sensei style. Sensei is a Japanese word for Teacher. When companies decide to begin Lean, it is highly recommended to bring in outside help using consultants that specialize as Process Sensei Consultants.
In the Expert style, the client diagnoses the issue and the consultant resolves it with little or no help from the client. The Doctor-Patient style is a bit more interactive wherein the client (patient) describes symptoms and then the consultant (doctor) diagnoses the issue and decides on the solution. Process Sensei style starts with the development of an equal “Partnership” between the client and the Sensei/consultant with the understanding that the client “owns” the problems (or opportunities as we say at Leanovations). Together, the client and Sensei/consultant form a “Lean Partnership” to diagnose the problem (opportunity), develop and implement solutions, and measure the results, working with cross-functional teams approach during a Kaizen Event.
At Leanovations, we fully subscribe to the Process Sensei style, and model our teaching and coaching after the Toyota Production System (TPS). We believe that in order to help our “Lean Partners” to be successful, we must teach and coach the Lean tools/techniques providing examples of success that they can build upon. Ultimately, we need to engage and empower the employees by asking the challenging questions designed to pull the teams together. As teams begin successfully conquering the opportunities for improvement through Kaizen events, the “successes” begin to fuel a culture necessary to sustain the gains. After all, the companies that are truly successful with Lean are the companies that understand it really is about engaging and empowering the employees. Success is 90% culture and 10% tools. To learn more about Leanovations go to: www.leanovations.com